Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Lemon, Sage & Ginger Soap

This past weekend, I was able to set some time aside especially for more soap making. YYAAYY My dear hubby actually volunteered to "watch" the girls so I can make soap. We are down to our last bar and he is "desperate". He loves my soap. aaawww.. :) This batch is made with coconut oil, olive oil, and palm oil. I added a blend of Lemon, Sage and Ginger essential oils. It makes a great combination. I also added calendula petals, not only for the visual affect but for their healing properties they hold within. The first picture is the soap inside the mold just before cutting. It has been in this mold since Saturday evening. After adding all ingredients together and stirring to "trace" I poured in this mold and let it set underneath a blanket to keep as warm as possible for 24 hours. I then uncovered it and let it sit for another 3 days. Then came the cutting part. As you can see, I still need practice at making that "straight" cut. It will be around 4 weeks before we can start using this soap. Until then, it will make my laundry room smell "lemony" fresh, and will continue to harden as it is still quite soft. My next batch, I hope to make a "shampoo bar". I plan on adding Nettle leaf and Rosemary, as they are very good for the hair. I can't wait until the sun gets warm enough to where I can make infused oils with different herbs before making them into soaps. Now, that will be "as good as it gets"! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I grew up with Sis. Sharon (Bro. Ben's wife) and read your blog through the link on hers. I found this post fascinating. How long does it take to make soap and what do the materials cost? I would love to try making some of my own,if I can find the time. Maybe adding a little bit of oatmeal (for the soothing/softening of the skin). My e-mail is if you would like to reply that way. Thank you! Lord bless!