Friday, October 27, 2006

Recent picture of the Girls

Here is a recent picture of the girls. I thought I would add this since I haven't sent a picture out in a while. They are sitting on the steps that lead into the sunroom, Abbi eating a tomato out of our garden. Her and Emma both LOVED fresh tomato's and I sure loved watching them eat 'em. :)

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Wow - I can't believe it's been so long since I last sat down and wrote in my blog. I have entered the world of cold pressed soap making and herbs! All my research I have been doing has taken' up my free time. I have learned soo much - and it's been an exciting experience. I made my first batch of soap almost a week ago. It looks as though it turned out GREAT! - However - we have to wait 3 to 4 weeks for the soap to cure before we can try it out - and that will be the REAL test! I am now waiting for some essential oils to come in so I can make a fancy "food for your skin and hair" type bar. The first cp soap batch I made was just a basic soap. No scent. I didn't want to waste any extra ingredients until I know for sure what I am doing. Making cp soap isn't hard, you just have to pay special attention to detail. I have also made an all-natural whipped shea butter - which turned out great. It's made with organic, unrefined shea butter - which has many healing qualities. It leaves my skin so soft. I especially like it for my face.

I am looking forward to Spring. (so sad since Winter is not even here yet *sigh*) I have already decided I am going to do away with the flowers in my "flower garden" and turn it into a "herb garden". I will be starting my seeds indoors as I do every year, but this time it will be herbs instead of flowers. Well - I am sure I will plant SOME flowers. I can't let my front yard go to rubbish. hehe I usually plant orange marigolds, zinnia, coleus and impatience. I will probably do the same this year, but just drastically cut the amount.

Now I am just waiting to make it to the pharmacy so I can purchase some food grade glycerin to make an echinacea tincture for my girls.

Speaking of my girls - they are both doing GREAT and GROWING too fast. :( Emma still loves going to pre-shcool, and Abbi still misses her terribly while she is gone. Our coversations go something like this about every 5 minutes while Emma is gone:

Abbi: Mom! Where Meh-ma (Emma) at?

Mom: Emma is at school - I thought I already told you that ( she asks me the same thing as soon as we step foot out of Emm'a classroom, when we drop her off in the mornings AND in the van on the way home)

Abbi: Coolll?? (school)

Mom: Yes.. at school

Abbi: Ooohhhh.... Where Daddy at? Mow?

Mom: No - daddy isn't mowing right now - he is at work making glasses to help people see better

Abbi: wok??

Mom: Yes honey - daddy is at work and Emma is at school.

Abbi: Oohhhh....

5 Minutes later...

Abbi: Mom! Where Meh-ma (Emma) at?



She is so cute... but just SOOO persistant. Just ask her Auntie Lisa - she has seen it first hand!

Emma is having fun at school and now I am back to baby sitting. I had a six week break because the girls mom, had a baby and she was on a 6 week maternity leave. I had plans for my break.... painting the sunroom, my bedroom, my laundry room, and the closet therein .... needless to say I got NOTHING accomplished. I still had the girls 2 days out of the week. The mom still wanted to bring them since they were so crazy about playing with Emma, and visa versa! Now, the mom is back at work, and I am back to babysitting 4 days a week. Another week and I will have thier baby brother too!

Well , I need to go - Abbi is awake and calling from her bed. I still have so much to write so I will have to come back later. :D