Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back to School

1.) This Monday was Emma's first day of school! She LOVES it. Her friend Sara is back too. Emma said she played with her ALL day! :) She is very happy to be back at school. Abbi of course gets bored and misses her. This was Emma's 2nd day of school .. all happy and oh so cute! Since she loves "going" to school so much, I am not sure how she will take to homeschooling next year once she starts kindergarten. She does love to learn, so that is a big plus.

2.) Emma and Abbi love to paint. They both had the bright idea of painting their hands and here they are showing it off.

3.) Both girls are such a big help in the kitchen. This past Sunday morning, as Emma was out in the sun room setting the table, Abbi was stirring in the "sausage and gravy".

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bear Hunt!

This morning I was in the laundry room folding cloths. Princess Abbi comes in and starts an adorable coversation. This is how it went:

Abbi: Mommy, look what I found! (pointing towards the contraption on her head)

Mommy: Oh wow! Where did you find that?

Abbi: in your room.

Mommy: Oh, yes - that's right. What are going to do with it?

Abbi: hunt for bears

Mommy: hunt for bears?

Abbi: yes! (makes a loud growling sound)

Mommy: Well, where are the bears?

Abbi: over there (pointing down the hallway)

Emma: Come here Abbi - let me show you the map where the bears are hiding.

Mommy thinking: I just love having a camera handy. You never know what you will capture.

.. and then a couple hours later.

Emma and Abbi at the same time, each on thier own potty:

..... ahhhh ... the joys of being a mommy. Just doesn't compare to nothing in the world!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Bird Nest

One of Emma's favorite things to do is explore our backyard. One recent morning the girls and I were walking down towards the creek to see if we can spot any new birds. As we were walking, Emma spotted this beautiful bird nest in our path. It fell from the large tree hovering above us. She was very happy and excited about her find. We went on and on about what kind of bird could have nested in this very well built bird nest and finally came to the conclusion that perhaps it was a Robin.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Our Latest Additon

Once again I am amazed at how fast time seems to go by. Summer is almost over. Wow - unbelieveable! Each day I have made a mental note that "I need to blog". The days came and went and I never had the chance to do so. With so much light during the Summer months it is hard to get the girls down at a decent time.

Five weeks ago this coming weekend, we have added alittle addition to our family. :) Emma now has a pet Bunny named Molly, that she absolutely loves! Everyday Emma tells me "Mommy, I love my bunny, she is soo sweet"! The girls have had so much fun with her. During Molly's "imaginary play" she jumps and runs as if something is chasing her and the girls think it's the funniest thing in the world. I believe Molly loves being the center of thier attention. Her favorite foods are Romaine lettuce and apples. We picked some broccoli leaves out of our garden for her but it was quickly proven that wasn't her favortie food. Nonetheless, she ate it anyways.

On another note... Abbi, Emma and I just got over a 24 hour stomach virus. In that order.

On Tues, I was babysitting as usual. The oldest of the 3 came to me and complained of a tummy ache. Thinking it was a bowel problem I sent her to the restroom and dismissed the thought. She complained a few more times and I assured her it would feel better soon. That night or 3:00 in the morning rather, Abbi awoke crying. I went in her room to check on her only to find out she puked all over the place. I quickly undressed her and put her in a warm bath then re-dressed her and put her in bed with daddy as I went to her room to clean up the rest of the mess. Right as I was coming back about 10 minutes later, she was throwing up again. Thankfully, I gave her a towel on my way out, telling her to throw up on that should she feel the need again. Thankfully she did. She kept throwing up about every 30 minutes to an hour until about 10:30 or 11:00 the next morning. That morning, when I phoned the mother of the children I babysit to tell her I can't watch her kids that day because Abbi was sick, she proceeded to tell me that Bri got sick the night before... that is when I realized it was she who brought the bug along. *sigh About 12:30 that afternoon Emma started to complain about a tummy ache. At about 2:30 she too started throwing up and about 7:30 or 8:00 that evening.. well.. it was my turn.... uuugggghhhh. It seemed to be a 24 hour *bug. However, it only lasted 12 to 15 hours for the girls. First of all I give the credit to God, and secondly to God again, for the wonderful herbs he left on this earth for us!

Once we awoke I started giving Abbi the Children's Composition Tincture I made about a month ago. I also made Emma start taking it "just in case". I believe this to be the reason of their short lived stomach virus, vs. my 24 hour ordeal. My only regret is that I didn't start taking it when I started giving it to Emma. By the time I was feeling sick to my tummy I dared not put anything in my mouth -- uugghh. But anyways, thankfully we are all 3 back on our feet. The Lord was good. We were all bound to get sick, but he was good to let us be sick one at a time. First Abbi.. and by the time the worst was over for her, than Emma. Once the worst was over for her... I came down sick. I am thankful I didn't get sick until my babies felt better. This way I was able to take good care of them. :)

Today we were back on our feet cleaning house, which the girls are getting so good at. They have become quite the lil' helpers. I am so blessed. For some reason, Abbi seems attracted to cleaning toilets .. something I am not ready to have her take over just yet?!?!?!

I have more to blog.. but my girls want to play the "memory game" .. so perhaps I will blog later. :)