Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bear Hunt!

This morning I was in the laundry room folding cloths. Princess Abbi comes in and starts an adorable coversation. This is how it went:

Abbi: Mommy, look what I found! (pointing towards the contraption on her head)

Mommy: Oh wow! Where did you find that?

Abbi: in your room.

Mommy: Oh, yes - that's right. What are going to do with it?

Abbi: hunt for bears

Mommy: hunt for bears?

Abbi: yes! (makes a loud growling sound)

Mommy: Well, where are the bears?

Abbi: over there (pointing down the hallway)

Emma: Come here Abbi - let me show you the map where the bears are hiding.

Mommy thinking: I just love having a camera handy. You never know what you will capture.

.. and then a couple hours later.

Emma and Abbi at the same time, each on thier own potty:

..... ahhhh ... the joys of being a mommy. Just doesn't compare to nothing in the world!

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