Friday, July 10, 2009

Summer ~ yay!

Well, I guess I was back..for a day. :D Summer is here and I seem to have been busier than ever. I thought once Emma was done with school, life would slow down a little bit. I thought wrong! Nevertheless, I am so thankful for the many blessings in my life. God has been so good to us. We are all happy and healthy loving God more and more each day!

Since I have last posted Emma has finished school, the Kitty I was talking about had her kittens and the weather finally got warm. However, we were so tempted to pull out sweaters over the 4th of July weekend. Of course, I for one refused to do so! ;) I am very happy with the way my flowers are going this year. Because of the lack of rain, I have been having to water almost everyday and I am loving it. Gives me an excuse to set the inside chores aside and get out and enjoy the sunshine. I have actually learned to consider my weeds a blessing. :)

We decided to keep the runt of the kitty litter and he is getting big fast! We named him Milo and the girls absolutely love having him around. I do too. And so does Jonathan. So even though he's been quite the brat it's working out great. For your enjoyment, here is a picture of his cute furry self. I will have to post more picture later.

We had a wonderful 4th of July weekend with the family. I will have to blog and post pictures about that later. :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm back...

Valentine's Day 2009 - They were happy daddy didn't forget about them... :)

I can't believe it has been over 6 months since I have last blogged. Emma started school and I couldn't seem to find the time to blog anymore. I have thought about it often, just never got around to it.

Since I last blogged, Winter has come and hopefully gone. We have had a very cold and snowy Winter this past year. The snow is only pretty to look at until Christmas. Once the hustle and bustle of the holidays are over with, so is my desire for snow. March has steadily been getting warmer. We are hoping that keeps up. Today was an absolute GORGEOUS day! The girls have spent most of the last 2 days playing outside. They are so happy to be outside again. Emma is on school lesson 131 of 165 and she will be all done with Kindergarten. She is doing so well. We are very proud of her. She is such an eager learner, which has made it so much easier on me. However, she is getting anxious to be done so she no longer has to worry about doing school before going outside to play. Thankfully, kindergarten is short days.

The girls are both growing like weeds. Everyone who has seen them lately, who hasn't seen them in a while, exclaim how big they have gotten! I know. I can tell by their cloths. They are both outgrowing everything. This week, I intend to go through bins of cloths and hope to find some cloths for Emma I had forgotten existed. What a nice surprise that would be!

Emma lost her two bottom teeth. She is the cutest lil' toothless 5 year old I have ever seen! :) She lost her first one on Valentine's Day while eating breakfast. At first we thought she swallowed it, but upon further inspection of her plate, daddy found it hiding in the strawberry cream cheese she was using to dip her strawberries in. She was a very relieved Emma when she found out that a.) she didn't swallow it. b.) it "didn't even hurt"! c.) she "didn't even bleed"! She lost her second one about a week and a half later while eating lunch and that one..she did swallow! It was no where to be found. She has one of her teeth coming in already!

Late last Summer, we "adopted" a Kitty. Well, someone had dropped her off and with begging girls to "keep" her..I gave in. We started feeding her and she decided to call us her very own. She is now a very preggo Kitty. She is due at the end of this month and the girls are so excited! They can't wait! I am kinda (I think) excited as well. I think it will be great for my girls to experience the whole kitten-kaboodle.

I will add pictures of the girls soon.