Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Soaking/Sprouting Whole Grains

I can't believe it's been almost a week since I have last blogged. My only excuse is "Nourishing Traditions" a book by Sally Fallon; one I find of GREAT value! I purchased this book about a week ago and I can't hardly put it down, thus not finding the time to blog. :D In this book she stresses the importance of soaking and sprouting your grains, plus so much more! It's a book over 600 pgs. so I could never cover everything she talks about. There are also some very delicious sounding recipes. (I can't say they are delicious as I have not yet tried any) I have been too busy feeding on the different health topics she covers. There is a very sensible reasoning behind the importance of soaking your grains. If you would like to learn more I believe you will find the following links very helpful and self-explanatory.

This first link is about soaking your grain. I will keep my recipe, as I have great success with it, but I will surely start to implement the "soaking" method.


The 2nd link is about "sprouting" your grains. This is good when making cookies and such, as soaking would not be feasible.


Right now, I must stop typing and get off the computer as the girls I babysit will be arriving in a few. :)

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