Monday, January 29, 2007

Daddy made a mess!

WOW - it's Monday again already! Even though Jonathan and I had a lazy relaxing weekend, (something we don't get too often) time still went by way too fast. Yesterday was a very COLD, snowy, & BLUSTERY day outside. It was so nice to watch it all from the inside. :)

Abigail has now increased her vocabulary to some 5 and 6 word sentences. For example: Our bathroom sink was rather clogged, so this weekend Jonathan decided to take care of it once and for all. He got underneath the sink, took the piping apart, (thankfully he didn't need my help or I would have lost it *MAJOR GAG*)and made quite a mess. Abigail was in there only for a few seconds to observe what he was doing and came running to me:

Abbi: Ohh nooo.. Mommy! (hands go up in the air) Daddy made a mess!!

Mommy: he did??


Her favorite sentence lately is- "no, I don't like it" - as in.. when I give her something to eat, have cloths in my hand to change her into.. and so on. She has figured out how to "disagree" with me, and is implementing it a bit too often for my taste. :) Her vocabulary is increasing by leaps and bounds on a daily bases. She has become quite the little parrot and repeats everything. My baby is growing up. *sniff

I made Wheat Bread today and so far it is rising rather quickly. YYAAYYY My sister Doina tipped my off by telling me I should knead my bread for about 15 minutes. ( vs. the 5 to 7 minutes I have been doing) It got pretty tiresome, so I let my Kicthen aid mixture share the chore. And wow.. the results seem WONDERFUL! The bread has been rising for less than an hour and it has nearly doubled, if not doubled. So - now I must do some baking.


Doina said...

That lil' tip you're talking about was the same lil' tip that Mariana gave me. Glad it worked out for ya. It sure works for me!

Baumgartner News said...

Well - it sure was a good one! I can tell even the texture is smoother! Now I only have to figure out what I am doing wrong as to why the bread is going semi-flat while baking. *sigh

New Mommy said...

Do you need more flour? For my 2 lb. recipe, I use almost 5 cups. Ever since I started doing that, I haven't had one fall in the oven since. The humidity outside affects how much extra flour to add.

My bread machine makes sure it gets plenty of kneading ;).

Baumgartner News said...


I too put 5 cups of flour for my 2lb. recipe. I also add 1 3/4 cup water. Do you think that is to much water perhaps?

I should try my bread machine as well... it's just sitting on my shelf acting all useless. Do you just use the dough setting?

New Mommy said...

Yes, I do use the dough setting. Looks like you did, too, with great results! (next post)

I use the Breadbeckers basic bread recipe with 1 1/2 cups water. I'll email it to you so you can compare it with yours.