Friday, March 02, 2007

UPDATE on Emma

Praise God Emma's fever broke about 3:30 this morning. All day yesterday her fever flucuated between 102.5 to 104.9 - staying mostly between 103.0 and 103.5. She layed alround all day, without eating and I had to force her to drink. She slept alot and barely talked. Needless to say, I don't know what I would have done without God. I found comfort in knowing that He was watching over her and everything WOULD be alright! She went to bed about 8:30 with a fever over 103. About 1:30 she woke up to go potty, and I went to check her temp. It was about 102.5 - she wanted to lay back down in her bed but I told her if she wanted to come to my bed, she was more than welcome to. I was hoping she would come as I felt much better with her sleeping next to me, so I could keep an eye on her. I gave her motrin, gave her kisses and hugs and reminded her she can come in our bed anytime. About 10 minutes later, here she comes. :) She was still burning with fever - about 2 hours later she started to break out in a sweat and she was acting as though she was having bad dreams, such as jumping up, crying out and grabbing on to me. She did that for quite some time all the time sweating. She finally settled down - and I could tell her fever was much lower. By 7:00 in the morning, her fever was completly gone Praise God! She still has a bad cough and her eyes look glassy, but I am trusting this will all go away as well, and SOON. She is sitting up and no longer feels the need to be laying around and sleeping. She even asked me for breakfast. :) Praise God for His healing touch!


New Mommy said...

For some reason, I had it on my heart to pray for y'all. I saw your posts about Emma, and now I see why. I'm glad to hear that she's on the mend!

God bless you!

Baumgartner News said...

Thank you for your prayers. They are greatly appreciated.

God Bless you.