Friday, November 03, 2006

Fellowship and Giggles

Today turned out to be a chilly, but beautiful day! My friend Miriam and her daughter Rachel came over and spent a few hours with us. We had lots of pictures to look at and alot to catch up on. We had a delicious lunch - and wonderful fellowship! Emma, Abbi and Rachel all got along so well. The house was full of laughter and giggles - music to me ears. :) Emma and Abbi just went down for thier naps. They will be lucky to get an hour in; when Jonathan gets home, we will have to rush out the door to Stephen and Aaron's basketball game, which they are playing in Lima tonight. So I better get going and tidy up the house, while I can. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Your girls are getting so big! Just about 2 more weeks and I'll get to see you all! HOORAY!

Baumgartner News said...

Aren't they? They are growing up too fast :( welp.. guess it's time for another one! :)

Baumgartner News said...

I can't wait to see you ALL!! Just about 1 1/2 more weeks left! WOOHOOOO!! It's been a yr. since I've been home! I can't believe it.