Sunday, June 10, 2007

Strawberry pickin'

This past Saturday, Jonathan, the girls and I went out to Suter's Farm and picked us some nice juicy SWEET Strawberries. (3 buckets full) Melt in yur mouth Strawberries. UMmmUUmmmm GOOD Strawberries. The only thing I kept thinking, was why haven't we done this before? Jonathan and I have been married for 5 years and this is a first for Strawberry pickin'. But surely will not be the last. Emma and Abbi both had a grand time. They had just as much fun picking them as they had eating them. I still have 2 buckets full in the refrigerator waiting for me to clean and freeze them. We hope to get out there once more before the season is over with.

After picking strawberries, we headed over to Columbus where we watched our Nephew play baseball. The game went til about 10:15 in the evening and it was FREEZING outside. Yes... freezing. Just when I got excited about the warm weather, it chilled again. *sigh The girls enjoyed watching their cousin play baseball. We had them wrapped up in their little blankets so they stayed cozy and warm. They enjoyed the overall trip. They had so much fun, they didn't want to come home. Abbi told me to take my shoes off.. cause "we not going bye bye!" (sassy lil' thing she is!)

Emma and Jared set up camp in the living room and built a "fire" while Abbi was running around the house playing with Samson. (Auntie Lisa's Pug) At least there she has a real dog to play with. For about the past 4 weeks or so, she has had "imaginary kitty's". I have been petting them, feeding them, carrying them around in my pockets and on my shoulder's and head. A couple of times I thought she was handing me "food" so I would start to eat it, and she would get upset!

Abbi: NOOO - don't eat Kitty!!

Mama: Ohh... sorry - I thought it was food.....

Abbi: Noo... Kitty Cat ---pointing to my lap, she says "1, 2, 3" ... (letting me know I know have 3 kitty's on my lap)...

Which isn't much at all. She has counted 4 in my pocket, and 7 on my shoulder about 4 on my head....some days they seem to be countless. As long as they are not real.. I can definitely deal with this. :) I love to see her use her imagination. Today, as she was playing in the sand box, she was gathering sticks and said it was for a fire. I am not sure where she gets this idea from, as we do not build fires.

Well - I would have more to blog, but we just got home from Columbus and am very tired. Just thought I better take a min. to blog something or I would never get to it tomorrow. :)

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