Sunday, June 08, 2008

Thank God for keeping my baby Emma safe...

This past Saturday started off like any usual Saturday. We awoke, had breakfast... Jonathan had a lawn to mow and at 10:00 the girls and I met a friend and her 2 girls at the park. The girls had loads of fun! We returned home about 12:45, I gave the girls a bath, fed them lunch and put them down for thier afternoon naps. About 3:00 I awoke the girls, got them dressed and we headed over to Vanwert (which is a town about 30 miles West of us) over to a friends house. They were having a Peony Festival in town, something I later found out they had every year. Anyways, I was excited about the whole evening, but little did I know that I would get the scare of my life!

We went to the Peony Parade as planned. The girls were excited about getting candy and especially liked all the horses. After a while, Emma told me she had to go potty. Her friend, Valerie, age 9 offered to take her. Since it was her house and we were sitting out by the road right in front of the house, I agreed. Some time went by when Abbi looked at me and asked "Where's Emma?". I looked over at Emma's chair and thought "hmm..good question.. they have been gone a while". I looked over and there was Valerie... but no Emma. I asked Valerie where Emma was at and she looked around her and shrugged her shoulders. She had told me that Emma was right behind her when they came back from the bathroom. I must say it felt like my heart dropped in my stomach! I did not have a good feeling about this at all. A few of us ran inside, hoping she stayed behind and got distracted. That started a desperate search of at least 20 minutes..... somehow, it felt like an eternity! She was no where to be found. I cannot even begin to describe the horror I felt, when I was struck with the reality that "my little Emma was missing"!! I was a mess!!!! In cases like these, the devil puts the worst case scenarios in your mind. There were hundreds of people at the parade...which only added to the horror I was feeling. You try so hard to be positive.......

I was walking up and down a road looking for her and praying. The cops were notified and they had announced it over the loud speaker. (I was such a mess I didn't even hear when they announced it) After about 20 minutes of searching... I start walking in the opposite direction of where I was originally searching. I was walking..and praying to God that he would keep her safe..where-ever she may be and that he would bring her back to us. As I was walking...I thought I caught of glimpse of a yellow dress (which is what she was wearing) and I prayed to God "pleeeassee let that be my little Emma".. I picked up the pace even faster and as the crowd moved I was able to get another quick glimpse of the little girl in the yellow dress... and than was MY EMMA!!! I was SOOOOOO HAPPY!!! I took off running and waving my hands in the air... shouting EMMAA... EEMMMAAA!!! A lady had a sobbing Emma by the hand and she was walking her right towards us. She had heard the announcement and spotted Emma and grabbed her. She had informed me that she tried to hand Emma over to the cops (for her own safety) but Emma would NOT go with them. I later asked her why she didn't go with the cops and she told me "Well mama... because their cars go too fast, and I was afraid they would give me to another mommy!" First good laugh I had since the whole ordeal!

Never in my life had I felt such a mixture of desperation, hurt and horror..... I can't imagine what other parents must go through, when they never do get their little one back.......

I thank the Lord for watching over my baby and bringing her back to us. I thank Him for His never failing love, mercy and grace, and of course... my little Emma Grace! I love you Lord.....


Anonymous said...

I truely understand how you had to have felt. I had Micah dash out of the portrate studio at the mall at Christmas one year while he was still real little. A friend was keeping an eye on the kids while I paid and got sidetracked watching the girls and Micah slipped out right beside her. The panic I felt was undescribeable. And then the relief afterwards...Even though it was only a couple of minutes, I have to say that that was the scariest couple of minutes of my life.

Thank the Lord Emma was safe.

Anonymous said...

Very scary stuff. Thank God you found her. He never fails.:-)

New Mommy said...

Thank the Lord! Thanks for sharing this; it was very encouraging!

Anonymous said...

I'm crying as I read this, feeling what you must have felt, and am so very thankful that you found her. Thank the Lord!
Sis. Shelley