Friday, June 13, 2008

alittle vain.. eh?

Abigail loves having her hair done and looking "nice" when we go out and about. So today, I got them all dressed for our trip to the grocery store. As we were wrapping things up and ready to get out the door, Abbi says to me "Mommy.... do I look gorgeous?"

It was too cute... she was as serious as ever. So I grabbed my camera and took pictures of her and her sissy so they can see how gorgeous they both are! So this is them posing for the camera before we headed out! =)

Yesterday, as I was out in the drive-way painting shelves, they were out on the front yard playing church. They had their babies and strollers and they were singing (as loud as they possibly could) "I have decided to follow Jesus". It was like the "never ending song". Too funny and oh so cute!!! If I wasn't covered in paint ( I am the messiest painter you'd ever meet... that is only on myself...whatever I am waiting usually turns out decent=) I would have taken a little video clip! Maybe another time..they are always playing church.

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