Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Five year olds drink coffee?

This morning I was holding Abbi and after a while I set her on the couch next to Emma. After setting Abbi down she says..

Abbi: where are you going mommy?
mommy: to make me some coffee baby
Emma: make me some!!!
mommy: [laughing] yeah right.... I don't think so you silly goose
Emma: [in a matter-of-a-fact tone] but mommy... don't you know that when everybody turns 5 years old they drink coffee!?!?!

She sounded very convincing .... but of course not convincing enough. :)


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA! That is too cute! Don't you also know that 5 year olds can drive?? AND do all sorts of other things they couldn't do when they were 4...just one day ago?? kids thought they were big stuff when they turned 5! Brings back memories.

Unknown said...

That's too funny! I can't leave my coffee cup for a second with my back turned or else one or more of the kids can't resist temptation.

Baumgartner News said...

haha - no kidding - she does think she is so big now that she if 5!! :)

Heather - that is funny. Kids.... I guess since we drink it they think it just HAS to be good stuff!! :)