Sunday, March 09, 2008

Daddy, do you want Strawberries on your eggs?

Abigail loves spicing her food up. She loves dipping her food in one sauce or another. The other day, as she was sipping on her Strawberry Banana Milkshake, she was chattering about when all of a sudden she stops in mid sentence, her eyes getting big and her brows on the rise, ... ( by the look on her face I knew she had concocted some great idea or another)

Abigail: hey mommy... I know what! How about we put Strawberries on our eggs!

mommy: ummm... I don't think so. That would be gross, don't you think?

Abigail: nooo.... [in a "as a matter-of-fact" tone] it's like putting candy on it!!

mommy: HAHA (too cute!)

When daddy comes home from work in the evenings, most day's Abbi tells him what's on her menu and off she goes to her Dora Kitchen to "cook" a meal for daddy. So when he came home that evening and barely made it through the door Abbi informed him she was going to cook him eggs. As she takes off down the hallway, about half way she spins around and asks, "daddy... do you want Strawberries on your eggs?"

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