Thursday, December 22, 2005

Another year gone by..

Another year gone by, and full of so many blessings. Jonathan and I are very thankful for our 2 beautiful little girls who bring constant joy into our lives. It is amazing how fast they have grown, and how much they learn in just 1 short year.

Emma has started to say so many words, along with short sentences, and do so many new tricks. (Such as climbing the couch from the back, jumping from the coffee table onto the couch, jumping from one box to the next, jumping like a frog and hopping like a bunny, sliding down her slide head first and so many other things that make my heart stop beating for seconds at a time.) <--- not a good thing- She has definatly grown by leaps and bounds. She loves her sister Abbi, MOST of the time. :) Emma is all excited this year. Jonathan and I have serveral little gifts wrapped for her, and Abbi. However, Emma thinks they are all for "Emma". :) Even going down the toy aisle - everything that looks appealing to her little hazel eyes was "for Emma". I look forward to watching her and Abbi both unwrap thier little gifts.

Little Abbi has accomplished so much as well. She just turned 1 year old on December 13. I feel as though she was JUST born.. yet she is walking/practically running and getting into trouble of her own. She jabbers and points and most everything is "that". She loves to have me walk her around the house and point at every picture in sight while telling her who, or what it is. She has learned many words such as.. "Mama & Dada", "Emma" (they were her first) "Hi There", "Bye Bye", "Shoes", "Backpack", "Thank you", and a few others I can't think of right off the bat. Her favorite things to do, (besides nursing and sleeping in bed with mommie and daddy) is play ball, climb on anything she can get her knee on, and draw with a pen and color.

Speaking of drawing....

About a week ago, I was laying down on the couch with a big headache, which I truly believe was from exhaustion. I fell asleep pretty quick, only to wake up to something poking me and going up and down my arm. I barely managed to open my eyes, to see what was going on and I vaguely remember seeing Abby standing over me, pen in hand and me thinking "surely that pen has a cap on it", and quickly fell right back to sleep. (don't worry, Jonathan was home watching the kids) When I awoke a couple hours later I noticed something black on both arms.. upon examining closer I had realized that Abbi had a heyday with her pen! She scribbled up and down my arms"! My favorite things to do? Hold and cuddle my babies.. watch them grow and learn, do new things. And of course, hug and cuddle my "big baby" too. :)

Abbi has mastered the art of "fake crying"

Well, well.. what do you know. At the ripe age of "ONE" my little bundle has figured out how to fake cry! Yesterday, I was standing in the kitchen, looking around trying to decide which side of the counter to clean first when I realized Abbi was jabbering loudly as if to get my attention. (she has gotten very good at that as well) I looked down at her and once she realized she DID in fact get my attention, she looked up toward the top of the fridge and pointed at the "candy jar". I looked down at her, smiled and said "you can't have that". She put her head down, her little palm cupping her face and begin to fake cry. When I decided not to pay attention to it (even though it was SO CUTE I wanted to grab and sqeeuze her!) and turned to walk away, she stopped her "fake cry" as if someone had turned an off switch off, and followed me out of the kitchen.

Then.. again... this morning, I was in the bathroom doing my hair, and without realizing she was right behind me, when I was all done I turned and walked out. She couldn't believe I left without bidding her "come with mommie", and once again - her little palm up to her face, head down and her little "fake cry".


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Buzzsaw's BBQ Sauce

This is a B-B-Q recipe, I made for shredded pork about a week ago. Was very delicious and wanted to share! Enjoy!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Abbi's Birthday Party

I can't believe my little Abigail is 1 already - for I am sure I JUST had her a few months ago. My oh my how fast time has gone by.

Jonathan, Emma and I celebrated Abigail's 1st Birthday party this past Saturday. It was so sweet. Abby did a wonderful job with her cake - as you can see from the picture. :) (Click on the picture to see a closer view) Emma had a great time blowing out her candle, and opening her gift. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ABBI! I LOVE YOU!!